Well lately I have realized a lot of things about my own Mom. If you have met my Mom, you know what an incredible woman she is. She is absolutely beautiful on the outside. What is incredible is that once you get to know her, you will realize that she is more beautiful on the inside. I remember a lot of things from being a kid. And as a kid, I totally questioned some of the things that she did. But now that I am a Mom (FINALLY) I totally get her. Here are some of the things that I have realized!
#1 My Mom used to let my Dad get us up and take us to the ranch or farm all day and she would spend the day by herself. I used to feel SOOOO sorry for her and wonder if she was lonely? Hmmm....that one was answered by the first week I was a Mom....hello to the new meaning of alone time!
#2 When I was a kid, and I would get mad, I would tell my Mom that I wanted to run away. And I remember her telling me that she wanted to run away too. WHAT? Why in the world would she want to run away? We were awesome! All four of us! We were the coolest things on the block, and I could NOT imagine why she would want to leave! By the end of the first six weeks, I knew why my Mom had brief periods of wanting to pick the flight over the fight! (Come on - Mom's out there - You have been at this point!)
#3 I used to feel sorry for my Mom because she didn't get new clothes every season! And we were constantly getting new clothes for school (because we were growing - not because we had the money) As a Mom I can honestly say I am okay if I wear the same six suits to work for the rest of my life as long as my children have what they need. So I don't really feel sorry for her anymore, I just realize now how deeply she loved me.
Those are just the highlights of some things that have occurred to me lately as I wonder through this "Mom" time in my life. If you have not had a chance to meet my Mom, you need to. She has spent the first portion of her life raising her girls, and supporting my Dad in his business. Since we have all married and are out of the home, my Mom started a ministry at our church called Celebrate Recovery. This January they celebrated 7 years in Tulsa. She is the State Representative for Celebrate Recovery. This ministry has reached thousands of Oklahoman's and MY MOM started the first one in Oklahoma, seven years ago at our church. (This is a ministry started by Rick Warren).
To end it off, the following picture triggered me to write a post for my Mom. This evening we went to go look at lots of where we were going to build our new house. I was nursing Greyson, and David was supposed to be getting Ragon dressed. Unbenounced to me, SHE decided she was going to change clothes, and demanded that David comply. We typically let her pick between clothes, but today she wanted to pick on her own. Not a battle that needed fighting, David let her pick it out. Sister has NO taste. My mom's favorite story of me had to do with picking out something terrible to wear. I am sure it humiliated her to allow me in public like that. But she allowed me to be me. So here's to my Mom....I learned SO much from you.....and today, I let Ragon be Ragon......
On another note, something exciting has happened! A whole 22 days since our house has been listed and can you read the sign???? SALE PENDING!!!! YEAH - Praise the Lord!!! So - we hope to close on March 6th, 2009 if all goes well. My sister, Laura Grunewald has a rockin real estate team and they sold my house in no time. If you are looking to sell, look no further! They are the real deal! Pray everything goes well from here on out! And call the number on the sign if you need a realtor!