If you aren't familiar, that is a saying from "Tommy Boy" the movie. If you like ridiculous movies, you should see this if you have not. It has Chris Farly and David Spade, and it is absolutely hysterical. At one point, Chris Farly puts on David Spade's coat and starts prancing around singing, "Fat guy in a little coat"....my sisters and I love this phrase. It is used in a variety of ways. For example, when trying on clothes in the dressing room, if they are tight....simply sing so the people outside know what is coming...."Fat guy in a little coat". We have said it for years, and it still tickles me to hear it. So why am I saying it now, you ask? We got to see Greyson yesterday on the ultrasound. He was so cute, but guys...."Fat guy in a little coat". He is a chubby bunny!!! And I love it!!!! He had cheeks to big, they were meant to be kissed. The ultrasound measured approximately 5 and one half pounds. A little scary being that I still have seven weeks. But, oh well, women have carried bigger babies....right? So the not so good news? It appears that my previa hasn't corrected itself all together. I now have what is called a "marginal" previa. Meaning, that I have to have yet another ultrasound to see if I can avoid a c-section (see Valerie - I didn't say vagina!) So keep praying that my placenta keeps moving. But I am off bedrest and the bleeding has stopped so I am happy.
Second, my sweet Sadie Skielar Shockley is still in the hospital. They are still unsure what is causing the fever, but at least it is starting to subside. So please continue to pray for Sadie, she is only three weeks old and soooo tiny. But we know God has both these children (Greyson and Sadie) in his hands and will continue to protect them!!! Thanks so much for the calls and prayers. It is so amazing to have such great family and friends that are so supportive!