Sunday, October 25, 2009

Has it been a year???

On Tuesday, my baby is turning 1. I really can't believe it. I can't believe all that has occurred in the past year. We got Sadie, Lukie, Greyson, we built a house, dad had open heart surgery, David started a new business...and the list goes on and on. But I have to say...I am in love with this little boy. He has a hold on my heart....and now I get to be a proud "Boy Mom".


You are such a sweet boy. You are so busy. You crawl around so fast. You have NO desire to walk. It is too cute. You just fly around on your hands and knees. You crawl up on everything, and you get into everything. When we tell you 'no' - you look at us and nod your head no back to us. You love your sister. You call her "bubba" though. I think it is because she calls you bubba. Daddy especially loves you because you evened the male to female ration in the family! My favorite part of the day with you is when you wake up. I can go in and get you, then bring you back to the couch, or my bed and snuggle up. You will sit in my arms snuggled into my side for at least half an hour. I love feeling the weight of you on my chest. You love to play peek-a-boo, play with your sister, and you like to clap...a lot! You are still into pacifiers...take two naps a day, and eat like a little pig. Thank you for being my sweet snuggle boy. I love you forever....


*** Picture is by Quincie or Quincie's Creations


Molly said...

Sweet, sweet Greyson. I cannot believe it's been a year either. I think about this time last year and how scary Greyson's birthday was. I hate that it was the first time I have not been at the hospital when my neice or nephew is born. His personality sure does not seem to match his grand entrance though! Maybe when he's two!

Love you sweet boy. Thanks for always cuddling with me too and for always making me smile with your "looks". Your face speaks a thousand words...much like your daddy. Can't wait to snuggle you tomorrow!

dawn said...

happy happy birthday to your sweet boy! it is crazy to think how fast a year goes by and all that can take place! God is good through it all!

enjoy celebrating your baby boy's special day!!

Fether said...

Happy Birthday Greyson! Wow Becki...1! He is precious! And by all description a total boy!