Wow - third time is apparently not the charm for me. Yep - I failed that test too. Apparently I have some precancerous cells on "old girl". So - going to have a little laser surgery procedure done in a couple of weeks. I do not know what all this entails. So let me know if anyone has had this done. Doctor gave me the option to wait three months and see if it resolves itself. However, I am not apt to leave anything with the word "cancer" inside my body. So I went ahead and asked them to set up the procedure. Will let you know more when I do.
Let me know if you need anything. I am praying for you. Love you!
I two am not a fan of the "c" word and will be praying that that the procedure will be all that is needed! Thanks for the update!
Well, I can't believe we are talking about your privates on the internet...but since we are...just wanted to let you know that I have heard this is more common than we think. So don't be fearful. Be thankful they caught it, and that our doctor is so aggressive in his treatment. I love that man! (you know what I mean). You are going to be fine....will be praying for you.
The "old girl" is in my prayers!!
Love you! Will be praying, you did the right thing!
LEEP? BTDT, girlie - not fun. FB me if you have questions. "Old girl" ... you crack me up!
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