Happy Birthday Sister....The pics are out of order - But enjoy!

Bevins, Grunewalds, and a Francy!


Ragon - I hope you always know how much Mommy and Daddy love you. You are such a sweet little girl. You have big eyes, that are bright and full of life. Everything you do is with a squeal and a twirl. You are such a girly girl. You love dress up, playing with baby dolls, and coloring. You also love to relax and watch "toons". Your favorite are Imagination Movers (we call this your "boy band"), WonderPets and Little Einsteins. You can count to thirty, ride a bike (with training wheels), say the alphabet, cut with scissors, ride a scooter, and tell me a word that starts with every letter in the alphabet.
You have the biggest personality in the world. You are full of smiles, and extremely passionate. Like your mom, you feel things strongly. You are a very funny little girl and talk until my ears bleed. You talk a lot about Jesus, and work very hard at acting like Jesus. My favorite part of you right now is that you try to imitate me. You spend time trying to wear clothes that match mine and often try to imitate my actions. Which makes your Mommy work very hard to set a good example. I love you Ragon....you are a ray of light to your family!