Well, I know you were sitting on the edge of your seats wanting to know if I went 24 hours without my shoes on....The answer...NO...I went 36 hours barefoot. I learned something. One - it wasn't whether or not I would wear my shoes. I purposefully didn't take "back out" shoes with me, as I new I would most likely back out of my experiment. I knew if I took shoes, I would put them on, and go on with my day. So each time my family and I packed up and got in the car, I would pack myself up....barefoot. What I did learn, is that if I can't wear my shoes....I won't go anywhere. You see yesterday, we had to go get flowers (at a flower shop), go to Walmart and get a blinker for my car, go to Lowes and get mulch, and then go home. We later had to go to Reasors to get steak.....I did all this barefoot....or shall I say my HUSBAND did all of this.....You see what I learned yesterday, is something different from the others.
While there are a TON of problems with children who go shoeless.....I couldn't help but wonder...what are the simple things that they forgo because they don't have shoes. Are they too embarrassed to go into a store, because they have no shoes? Do they worry what those "with shoes" will say or think about them? Could they be denied service for not having shoes? Dumb thoughts probably, but I know children in America might not have shoes, and these are definitely things they face. And this is coming from a girl who really doesn't have a need for shoes...clothes yes, shoes...not so much. But I was so bothered by NOT having my shoes, that I didn't go INTO the places I needed to go, I relied on others to do it for me. So did I ACTUALLY complete the experiment? I am not sure, but did I at least get a glimpse of what some children might be feeling....for a few hours....maybe. But I couldn't fathom this being my every day.....or my children's.
First thing I am going to do....clean the shoes out of the closet...and take them to the shelter....