Monday, January 19, 2009


I feel it necessary with the status of today where our country will be swearing in a new President of the United say a few things.

Racism is defined as a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule over others. I believe firmly that racism isn't exclusively a white thing. However, today that is what I chose to address.
Yesterday was a day celebrating a man, a Christian man, who took great steps to end segregation in our country. He did this using non-violent means. He did this by using his intelligence, by using methods of congregating people and standing up to those who wished to suppress him. He was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He did so much more than use his efforts to end segregation, he fought to end the Vietnam War, he fought the war against poverty. Martin Luther King fought for equality, for EVERYONE. Martin Luther King died in 1968 but it wasn't until 1986 that the National Holiday was created to celebrate his good works. Some people think that we should not celebrate the holiday, because it didn't really do anything for those other than "african americans". I disagree.

We have made tremendous steps to end racism in this country, but it still exists. I watched the news this morning, and I was so touched to see how many turned out for the start of the inauguration of our new president. Wether or not you agree with Barack Obama's political views, you should be proud that our country elected someone other than the "white man". I know I am. I don't know if Barack Obama will be a good president. No one can predict that. If he does poorly, it won't be because he is "african american". And if he does well, it won't be because he is "african american". That is only one small part of who he is. For some reason, we get so caught up on the color of someone's skin.

So today, I am so proud to be an American, where ANYONE can lead our country. For those of you who face racism, remember that ignorance should not be tolerated, but in dealing with the ignorance, use kind words to hopefully change the mind of that person. Anger will never end the racist thoughts....but hopefully with kind words, encouragement and good examples, we can end racism.
I will step down off my soap box.....


Molly said...

I love it! I couldn't agree more with your statement that racism is not just a problem that white people have.

Thank you for adressing MLK and what a huge impact he made on our world. It was so neat yesterday in the parade to see so many different races celebrating him and his life.

patti said...

Wow, that was an awesome soapbox!

Becky, you are good at expressing your thoughts. thanks for sharing them with us all.

From a proud American!

justme said...

A million kudos for this. Amen, amen, AMEN.

Ro said...

Hi, just stopped by your blog through the link on Courtney's blog. Love it!!!! You said so much in such a short post! I'll be stopping by again!

Courtney Connelly said...

Thanks for your post, so wonderfully stated. I teach English as a Second Language students at Jenks High School and I want to read them your post, very inspiring and true of the possibilities in our great country!