Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Red Rover.....Red Rover........

Okay - a blog game. Never have played one, but I am up for the task. Kim Bevins challenged me to list my five favorite things, so here it goes:

1. Mornings: When Greyson gets up to nurse, David goes and gets Ragon and her "miwk" (milk) and we all lie in our bed and watch Toons.
2. Summers by the Pool: I love it in the summers when my sissy's and I just hang out at the pool, it is fun to watch the kids play, but more fun when we put them down for naps and then line up the monitors and catch some rays!
3. Blogging: Duh...you had to know I would say this. I have met wonderful new friends and actually become friends with my sister's friends, and then I have gotten (not a word but I like it) back in touch with old friends, like Jen and Val.
4. Consignment Shopping: I don't know what is wrong with me. I started learning to save money really well by my sister Laura, and then some Type A part of me took it psycho, where I can't buy anything new...unless it is WAY marked down. I do e-bay, craigslist, I even found a maternity consignment store, that ROCKED! I get so excited to purchase clothes cheap! I even bought a Christmas present for Ragon - USED!
5. Cooking: I love to cook. I don't really do anything fancy, however Laura says it is. If I give her a recipe with more than five ingredients then she calls it gourmet!

So there it is. Now I must challenge five people to do their fav five! So here it goes:

1. Molly - my only sister who is seriously committed to blogging (however, with Lukes arrival, I think Laura is going to make a come back).
2. Jen - My old friend a suite mate from OBU. Don't believe anything she says about me, especially if I end up being naked in the story.....
3. Dee - My sweet sister in law, who started a blog about my cutie patootie niece and hasn't updated in two weeks...shamey shamey!
4. Karissa - My oldest and dearest friend. Who also started a blog. You will notice her...she is ALWAYS at the bottom of the list. I am leaning on her to update!
5. Terra - Actually my little sister Molly's friend, but who I now consider my friend too. Except for the fact that she had a baby AFTER me and is a skinny penny....

While I am at it, get to know me....


What is your husband's name? David

How long have you been married? 5 1/2 years.

How long did you date? Well in total we dated about two years, but one of those we were engaged!

How old is he? 33, what? Say it...I know - I robbed the cradle...but only by 18 months!

Who is taller? He is by a bunch!

Who can sing best? I wouldn't know...he refuses to sing....in church, if he starts to sing and I stop to hear him...he stops...he whistles real well though!

Who is smarter? Hands down he is. Must be all that fancy Holland Hall edumacation (yes I meant to spell it wrong).

Who does the laundry? I think David believes that his hands would fall off if he actually attempted to FOLD the laundry. But he will take seven pieces, throw it in the washer and dryer and then leave it in a laundry basket for me....do I sound bitter?

Who pays the bills? Big Daddy does....

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? When you are looking at the bed I am on the right. I don't know how it got that way, we just crawled into bed when we got married, and that is where I landed.

Who mows the lawn? David's Brother Mike....

Who cooks the meals? Mamacita! He does some, and he does all the grilling. But for the most part, big mama does the cooking.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably me, but it is because I am wrong more often. So David has a rough time admitting when he is wrong.

Who kissed who first? He did, at the Grey Snail...real romantic, huh?

Who wears the pants? Ummmm...probably David. We are more like partners, but when it comes down to a tie, usually he makes the call. But he doesn't really ever make me feel like he is "the boss". He is definitely the financial provider, the calm one. I am more the dreamer....

If you haven't already participated, give it a whirl!


kim said...

thanks for playing... it wasn't too painful was it? :O

Mamma Cakes said...

I would love to do lunch! How fun! I think it is great that you and Kim are "dating"! LOL!!

Laura said...

Yes, anything with more than 5 ingredients is fancy! You know me well!

I went to a fun event at my friend's church and got some good recipes to share for Christmas tonight.....but they aren't too fancy either!